Far-right populism and climate denial are on the rise globally. Anti-science politicians are preying on the economic anxieties of working people but, once elected, they cut climate policies, gut public services, scapegoat marginalized communities, and turn the keys of power over to the corporate elite.
That’s why, last night, we held a call to hear from organizers in the US, the UK, and Canada about the lessons they have learned fighting far-right populism in recent elections. It was extremely inspiring. First, we took stock of how the far right is gaining power around the globe by exploiting people’s real frustrations with a broken system. Then, we heard critical lessons from three organizers with firsthand experience combating the rise of far-right populism in the US, UK and BC— Jeff Ordower, Tommy Vickerstaff, and Janelle Lapointe.
Here’s what we learned:
🛑The right scapegoats vulnerable groups to divide and distract us from those who are truly responsible for our struggles: fossil fuel execs, corporate landlords, grocery monopolies, and billionaires.
🚨Climate-denying politicians are promising quick fixes, but their agenda is dangerous– they would gut public services, harm marginalized communities, and turn the keys of power over to the corporate elite.
💪To fight back, we need bold action–we must confront racism and xenophobia, expose the corporate elites who would benefit from a far-right agenda, and build power behind a vision that works for all of us. We responded to this moment by launching our exciting new #AllOfUs campaign.
Over the coming months, we’re going to build an unstoppable movement across the country to demand the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share, and fund the future we all deserve— one where we build homes for people, not profit; deliver cheaper, cleaner energy; invest in safe and healthy communities; create good jobs for all; and follow Indigenous leadership.
If you’re ready to fight back against far-right populism and build a better future for #AllofUs, here’s how you can help:
- Party leaders are fanning out across the country and testing messaging now for what will be included in their election platforms. Send a letter to all party leaders to demand that they tax the massive profits of big corporations and the billionaire class and build a better future for #AllofUs.
- Join our brand new All of Us Volunteer Team to grow this campaign across the country with just an hour or two a week between now and the federal election. You’ll gain new skills and experience, and connect with others across the country who are committed to defeating the rise of far-right populism.
Stopping the far-right isn’t just possible– it’s necessary. But it will take #AllofUs.
The stakes are too high to sit this one out. Join us.
Amara Possian, Canada Team Lead, 350.org
Photo Credit: Tommy Vickerstaff